What is Light Hive?

Light Hive empowers people from diverse backgrounds through creative expression and mindfulness, fostering a deep sense of belonging, self-awareness, and personal growth. I write bi-weekly (ish) articles, provide resources like guided meditations and worksheets, and build relationships.



My scientifically-validated integrative methods create "brave" spaces among diverse groups, leading to greater group cohesion and personal satisfaction. At UCLA, I have led workshops for over a decade, including a graduate-level course on creating empowering spaces for culturally-diverse groups. My passion is balancing reflection and revision with generative play to exercise critical creativity.

Creative Consultation

Who doesn’t love lived-in representation? I offer narrative consultation and story coaching for creatives. I’ve worked with writers in London, New York, Seoul, Barcelona, and Los Angeles to bring marginalized communities to the fore in impactful ways. I’ve advised on feature films, short films, podcasts, narrative fiction, and commercials, both independently and in collaboration with non-profits like the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media.

1:1 Mentorship

My lived experiences as a queer, transnational, transracial adoptee inform my dedication toward equitable inclusion. Occupying the liminal spaces among "discrete" identities has truly shaped who I am and how I hope to serve. I guide individuals on their journey toward inner wisdom, self-acceptance, and resilience with kindness, curiosity, and compassion.

Who is Light Hive?

I’m Logan, a queer, transnational, transracial adoptee and founder of Light Hive. With a doctorate in Performance Studies focused on queer of color identities and interactive media, alongside two decades of practice within the Buddhist Vipassana (Insight) tradition, I view our moment-to-moment experience as our most intimate craft and rewarding work.

My first ever post is a bit of a bio and mission statement combined.

Join the Hive!

I would love to write with you! If you’d like to submit a piece of writing of any length, please send me a DM on Notes or LinkedIn, or send me an email at Logan@LightHiveIntegration.org.

To submit something, please ensure it aligns with our mission to empower QT/BIPOC and adoptees through mindfulness and creative expression. Employ an empowering, educational, or inspirational tone and feature at least three of the following points:

  • Mindfulness Practices: Practical advice on everyday mindfulness, formal meditation, or Buddhist philosophy.

  • Identity Exploration: Personal stories related to queer identities, adoptees, or BIPOC, emphasizing personal growth.

  • Creative Expression: How mindfulness and identity influence creative practices, offering inspiration and techniques.

  • Cultural or Sociopolitical Trends: Analysis of cultural and sociopolitical issues, with insights on mindfulness, creative expression, and marginalized identities.

Your submission doesn’t need to feature every aspect of each bullet point: one is okay. For example, a post about integrating mindfulness into the creative process for queer writers, an inspirational story about an adoptee finding their voice through creative expression, or an analysis of how generative AI is influencing cultural trends for BIPOC designers would be highly welcome.

Subscribe to Light Hive

Light Hive is a newsletter written by a queer, transracial, adoptee on channeling and simplifying complex identities into mindful practice.


I am a workshop facilitator, writing lecturer at UCLA, and mindfulness mentor. My background is in Performance Studies, and I continue my study on transformative play and embodiment through the lens of identification. Two cats for credibility.